Mike and Frank
The Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities (PCRC) VOLUNTEER HEROES FRANK CEBULAR and MICHAEL BEHE have been working tirelessly and faithfully several days a week from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for many many months, renovating PCRC’s newest property, known as “61,” so that programming can be expanded and PCRC’s staff can live into its mission to provide tangible services, support, and spiritual guidance to address the basic needs of persons within and beyond the Greater Pottstown area more fully and comprehensively.
“We are trying to return this house as close as it can be returned to its original glory, while at the same time providing much needed office and educational space for PCRC,” offered Frank Cebular, a familiar and friendly face at both the current PCRC building — which has been in use by PCRC over eight years — and the property next door, a historic Victorian-style home built in 1887. There were many challenges along the way, but with Frank’s leadership and dedication, the space is shaping up and should be ready for occupancy in the near future. When asked why he volunteers for PCRC, Frank responded, it’s “a way of giving back in service to people who need that service. A way to give my gifts back to the community.”
Michael Behe got involved with PCRC through his wife Anne’s congregation — Brownback’s United Church of Christ — which is also the congregation of PCRC’s Board President Mary Ann Glocker. Michael noted that Mary Ann often advocates for PCRC and informs fellow parishioners of the Cluster’s activities, and that inspired Michael to be interested in volunteering for the organization. He retired a little over a year ago, worked his whole life behind a desk, and likes doing physical work, so it was a perfect fit. “I get to come here and help a needy cause, and do something that I enjoy doing,” he said. Adding, “Frank definitely needed the help. Him trying to do this alone is just crazy!”
Michael wants to encourage others who are looking to volunteer, advising, “… they ought to do what I did — just come and take a tour and see if there is something here that they would like doing to help meet a need. Find something that interests you and is in pursuit of a worthy cause. That’s what this did for me.”
PCRC is in need of volunteers to help finish the renovations at “61,” especially laying floors and cleaning. All supplies are provided, as well as fun and fellowship! If you are interested in helping our volunteer heroes Frank and Michael, contact Frank at webedancing@yahoo.com.
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