Sunday, OCTOBER 13, 2019
Join TEAM “Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities”
Walk. Give. Change the World.
The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk is a community-wide event sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.
The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk is the heart and “sole” of Pottstown. It is the only event that brings together all members of our community — young and old, all faiths and walks of life for a common goal — to end hunger, one step at a time! This year we invite you to join our team or gather a team and help end hunger and poverty in the Greater Pottstown area.
The Pottstown CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 13, 2019, will support the efforts of the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities (PCRC) to eradicate hunger in the Greater Pottstown area. A portion of the funds raised here in Pottstown will go to the hunger-fighting work of PCRC.
The 2019 CROP Hunger Walk will take place on Sunday, October 13, 2019, at First Presbyterian Church located at 750 N. Evans Street, Pottstown, PA, 19464. Registration will open at 1:30 pm and step-off time is 2:00 pm. Participants have the option of walking one or five miles.
Join team “Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities” here.
On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, hundreds of area residents are going to show their support for their favorite nonprofit during the Amazing Raise. On that day, every donation and donor we get will go further to help us claim our share thousands of dollars in matching funds. What we are really excited about is that this is going to be a big event, and everyone will be talking about who they’re supporting. Think “American Idol” and we’re in the try-outs but need your support to make it to the top.
You can help by doing these three things:
1. Mark Tuesday, October 15, 2019 on your calendar and add this link:
2. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and help build the buzz.
3. Spread the word! Tell your friends and family why you think they should help us with their donation. Please be our champion, and help us see it to the top!
We can’t wait to celebrate the difference your generosity will make on October 15, 2019!
PCRC Holiday Food Boxes and Gift Program
About the 2019 Holiday Program: PCRC will be distributing 200 food boxes to families in Pottstown along with toys for up to 250 children (under the age of 16).
The toy distribution will be on Monday, December 9, and the last day of toy donations will be Friday, December 6. The food box distribution will be Wednesday and Thursday, December 18 and 19. The last day for food donations will be Friday December 13.
Volunteer Opportunity: Help sort and organize toys and food in preparation for the distribution to children and families.
Time commitment: The holiday program needs volunteers on Saturday, December 7, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm; Monday, December 9, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm (broken down into 2-hour shifts 9:00 am-11:00 am, 11:00 am-1:00 pm, 1:00 pm-3:00pm — only looking for 4-5 volunteers per time slot); and December 18 and 19 (both days from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Also in 2-hour shifts).
For more information or to volunteer, contact

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