ON A SCHOOL HOLIDAY BACK IN SIXTH GRADE, brothers (twins) Erik and Andrew Moyer remember visiting with their grandmother, Linda Moyer. Little did they know that what they witnessed their grandmother do that day over five years ago would lead them to senior projects at the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities (PCRC) the summer of 2019.
For a time, Linda Moyer, a longtime PCRC volunteer and Delegate Assembly member who passed away last February, (read a tribute to Linda here) was in charge of collecting food at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Pottstown, and transporting it to PCRC. That particular day the brothers were in their grandmothers’ care was a volunteer day. It was an opportunity for her to engage the boys and introduce them to volunteering. They helped her take groceries out of her car and into the PCRC pantry. And so the next generation of PCRC volunteers was born!
Erik and Andrew will be entering their senior year of high school this September at Perkiomen Valley High School. The active brothers both run Cross Country, Track and Field, play basketball and the trumpet in the school band, and are members of the Link Club (helps 8th-graders transition to high school) and Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club. After high school, both plan to go to college: Erik intends to major in Business Marketing (sports marketing); and Andrew is considering a Business or Science/Chemistry/Math major.
When it came time to choose a Senior Project to complete this summer, they both chose the school’s Volunteer Aspect option after considering other options. But it occurred to them they would be able to help more people with a volunteer project at PCRC, and that their grandmother would be very proud of them carrying on her legacy. And so they contacted PCRC to inquirer about completing their Senior Projects onsite. And PCRC was very lucky to have them!
The brothers helped accomplish many tasks in the food pantry, took food orders from clients, helped clients fulfill food orders; traveled to the local Dollar Tree to pick up items and helped out wherever they were needed. They were also able to do many diverse tasks other than in the pantry, one day they cleaned the entrance to the basement, mopped the floor, etc. Erik said he “Liked keeping things organized.” “We don’t want to have people just waiting and waiting.” Andrew enjoyed “Helping out people who are in need.” “People are thankful,” noticed both brothers. “Especially people for whom we take groceries and put in their car.”
According to Anissa Jones, PCRC site Volunteer Coordinator, “The boys brought great energy and integrity to their work. They were always willing to do whatever was asked of them, and were sensitive to and respectful of our clients.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if our grandmother would be doing this with us if she was still alive,” Andrew said. “She was very outgoing and friendly and would strike up a conversation with anyone.” It is evident Erik and Andrew inherited the friendliness of their beloved grandmother. “We were very close with her. We went to church with her every Sunday, and visited her in the nursing home often.”
The brothers didn’t expect some reactions of those they were helping. “Clients value the food and are grateful,” Andrew observed. “I even gave one woman a hug,” said Erik. In these moments, they realized they were really making a difference.
In remembering grandmother Linda Moyer, Erik and Andrew lovingly agreed, “She was the greatest grandmother ever.” “She did everything for her children and grandchildren.” She also left a legacy of the importance of volunteering and helping your neighbor, inspiring her wonderful young grandsons to follow in her faithful footsteps.

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