Our Stories

Our Stories

Every day we touch the lives of our neighbors in the greater Pottstown community. We want to help shape more stable and healthier living for individuals and families. Our stories take a deeper look at how the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities is making a difference.

Annual Video that Premiered at our 2024 Annual Event. Watch for  Updates on Our Work and Impact in 2023.

2023 Annual Event Video: Update on Our Work and Impact in 2022

Watch our video to learn more about how we are working in 2023 to transform lives and improve people’s socio-economic stability in the greater Pottstown area through basic need and self-sufficiency programs centered around food security, housing stability, and supportive services.

2022 Annual Event (online) Video: Beyond Crisis and Towards Stability

Watch our video to get a close look at the impact our work is making in the lives of those we serve. Thanks to support from people like you, we are able to offer help out of crisis and move individuals and families beyond crisis and toward stability.

Watch our 2023 annual event video for updates on our work.

Watch our 2023 annual event video for updates on our work.

Through interfaith cooperation, the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities provides Food Security, Housing Stability, Supportive Services and Education to help clients improve their overall stability.

Meet Some Community Members

Hear from some of our community members and learn about how the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities has made a positive impact in their lives. 

Community Meals

Our Community Meals program has been offering meals to residents of Pottstown for over 50 years. Five local worship centers open their doors on separate weekdays to serve meals assisted by many congregations and organizations in the Pottstown area. Everyone in need is welcome to attend.

Danielle Gadsden

Community Member, Volunteer, Staff Member, Advocate — talks about how the Pottstown Cluster changed her life, and the life of her family.

Rock the Block for PCRC

Organized by Habitat MontDelco in conjunction with Pottstown CARES, Rock the Block brings together 11 community organizations and more than 200 volunteers working on 20 projects in a massive one-day effort to beautify public and private properties in Pottstown. This year many volunteers came out to clean, put together office furniture, landscape, and more in and around PCRC’s new administration and education building — “61”, and also emptied out the gatehouse. Thank you to all who donated their time to help!

PCRC thanks its “Big Heart+” Supporters and its Community Partners!

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